As a business owner, you know what it’s like to lie awake at 2 a.m. Maybe it has happened when you are excited and full of new ideas for your business. More often, it’s because you are worried about issues you will face the next day. Sometimes, it’s because you just woke up with the solution to a problem. I’ve experienced all those emotions about my businesses over the years. Awake at 2 o’clock? is where I share them with you, and hopefully help with answers that will let you sleep.
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Tag Archives: sales
Can You Outgrow Customers?
When you start a company, it’s like shopping at the supermarket when you are very hungry. Everything looks good. Any suspect might be a prospect. Any prospect is worth pursuing, and your ideal customer is anyone who is willing to pay you for … Continue reading
Posted in Marketing and Sales
Tagged business ownership, business strategy, entrepreneurship, leadership, sales, small business advice
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Who Owns the Portal?
We are 30 years into the computer revolution, which I am arbitrarily marking as beginning in the mid-1980’s, when Apple II and IBM compatible (286) computers began to show up on the desks of people who weren’t in the “computer room.” … Continue reading
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Wrestling with Ethics
The head of a rep firm approaches the owner of a small manufacturing company for whom they sell. One of his salespeople has an opportunity for a huge order with a multinational company, but the purchasing manager has indicated that the … Continue reading
2 Responses to Wrestling with Ethics
I own my company so I am in a position to decide better than some other may be , however my standard in life has always been honesty, expected of myself , my kids and my employees. It has worked for me , yes it has been a difficult choice at times but I sleep well and have never had to be looking over my shoulder. Its choice I do not regret and the great kids I have and long term employees, some for over 20 years , I think is a tribute to that as I am now appraching retirement. Integrity is everything as trust is wjhat business is and should be built on.
I am a recently promoted SVP at a company that still does business with a handshake. Of course we do the requisite paperwork but if we say we have a deal and shake we won’t later accept a “better deal” because no paperwork was done upfront. I also served 26 years in the military and the one phrase that sticks in mind from day one until my retirement is ” Do the right thing even if no one is looking.” Being ethical in today’s business climate can be challenging but the cost of losing your integrity can be very high.
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Customer Service Starts with “Hello.”
When asked what differentiates their businesses from giant competitors, most owners will describe their relationship with customers. “We give better service.” “Our employees know our customers by name.” “We treat people as individuals.” What constitutes excellent service differs by industry … Continue reading
One Response to Customer Service Starts with “Hello.”
Great article and so true!
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Size Means Nothing on the Web
A small manufacturer hires a local web development firm, and spends six months reworking his website. He agonizes over every word of the copy. He writes up product descriptions, detailing materials and tolerances. He adds page after page to the … Continue reading
Posted in Marketing and Sales
Tagged business ownership, marketing, media, promotion, sales, small business advice
1 Comment
One Response to Size Means Nothing on the Web
Your post is spot on. As a marketing firm that also designs and builds websites we are amazed when we meet a prospect who doesn’t even have a website. It’s 2014. The right website and strategy can extend your marketing reach well beyond your geographic footprint, while leveling the playing field against competitors of all sizes.
Great article on growth and customer “FIT”. Your reference to going to the supermarket when you are hungry is dead on when starting a business from scratch. Anything and everything is a good opportunity and job. As we have grown, we have been fortunate enough to improve the quality of our customers, replacing some of our original customers for many for the reasons you mentioned. As we have grown, we have also made changes for one other important reason.
As our business has matured, we have a much clearer Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan and unfortunately, some of the customers that helped us start our business no longer align with our current and future plans. While many of us strive to support them for too long, when a customer no longer fits, it’s typically not a fit from either side and prolonging the inevitable isn’t in anyone’s best interest. It’s just a tough decision to let go of good customers that no longer fit your business!
I totally agree with trying to match the good customers with another provider, one that better fits their needs and whom they better align with.