As a business owner, you know what it’s like to lie awake at 2 a.m. Maybe it has happened when you are excited and full of new ideas for your business. More often, it’s because you are worried about issues you will face the next day. Sometimes, it’s because you just woke up with the solution to a problem. I’ve experienced all those emotions about my businesses over the years. Awake at 2 o’clock? is where I share them with you, and hopefully help with answers that will let you sleep.
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Tag Archives: leadership
The Ghost of Ebenezer
Last week three of my clients implemented staff reductions. All three are financially healthy service companies, but they had far more capacity than they had work to fill it. In a service company, of course, capacity means people. Naturally there … Continue reading
Posted in Management
Tagged business ownership, employees, entrepreneurship, health, leadership, management, small business, small business advice
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Gifts are not incentives, and incentives shouldn’t be gifts
I knew a couple who owned a company with about 20 employees who had what may be the worst incentive distribution plan I’ve ever seen. The company gave out large holiday bonuses every year at the company party, which was … Continue reading
Posted in Management
Tagged business ownership, employees, entrepreneurship, leadership, management, small business, small business advice
2 Responses to Gifts are not incentives, and incentives shouldn’t be gifts
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Jerry West on dealing with tough times
Sorry I’ve been away. Actually, I wrote this to post last week and forgot to publish it. Lately I’ve been telling business owners a story from an interview I did with Jerry West during his tenure as GM for the … Continue reading
Posted in Entrepreneurship, Leadership
Tagged business ownership, entrepreneurship, leadership, small business, small business advice
2 Responses to Jerry West on dealing with tough times
Very poignant post. I agree that globally this seems to be the age of re-evaluation. With technology moving as fast as it does, the topics on which we are experts today could very well be irrelevant by tomorrow. You make a good point about not brooding, all we can do is rethink and move forward. Thanks again for a post, looking forward to your next!
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Serendipity and Strategy
This is kind of an unusual posting. It is more philosophical than most, and more personal. This blog tends to practical comment and advice. While I stray a bit with this, it has a business objective. I have a coach. … Continue reading
One Response to Serendipity and Strategy
Another great post John! Thank you!
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No instant replay in small business
There was a great play in the Yankees-Angels game last night. I’m not a huge baseball fan, so relax, this is really about business. Alex Rodriguez rounded third on a base hit and headed for home. The throw beat him … Continue reading
Posted in Leadership, Thoughts and Opinions
Tagged business planning, business strategy, economy, leadership, management, small business advice
1 Comment
One Response to No instant replay in small business
I've played a tremendous amount of baseball in my life and I continue to see infinite parallels that can be drawn between winning a baseball game and winning the game of business.
The ecomomic reality you've described is not pretty and, as you descrbied, paralysis WILL result in failure.
A World Series played in Phillie and NY will NOT be stable. It will have its share of ugly weather, insane fans and rotten calls. Welcome to the big leagues. The team that can understand its critical success factors, adapt quickly to changing conditions, manage emotions, stay focused and continue to execute no matter the odds will emerge victorious.
Go Yankees…
John, Merry Christmas! I continue to appreciate your insights into small business ownership and the disease of entrepreneurship. It is true that many of us struggle as business owners at this time of the year, missing the target and the meaning of the Season.
Thanks for your continued friendship, and all the best for the New Year!
Brad Elmhorst
Direct Hit Data, Inc.
Great post John. Sounds like our family business over the past 40 years! Your post definately opened my eyes and got me to re-think our holiday party and bonus program for tomorrow night!