As a business owner, you know what it’s like to lie awake at 2 a.m. Maybe it has happened when you are excited and full of new ideas for your business. More often, it’s because you are worried about issues you will face the next day. Sometimes, it’s because you just woke up with the solution to a problem. I’ve experienced all those emotions about my businesses over the years. Awake at 2 o’clock? is where I share them with you, and hopefully help with answers that will let you sleep.
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Tag Archives: leadership
The 7 Sins of Entrepreneurs on TV
My interview with Eyewitness News in San Antonio about “The 7 Sins of Entrepreneurs” is up on You Tube. Take a look. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8knGXIRXUE
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged business ownership, leadership, management, small business, small business advice
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They bite the hand that feeds them
On Friday a local columnist in the San Antonio Express News, Rhonda Templeton, wrote about a recent survey of employees lying on the job. I quote: ” Bending the truth is a long time tradition in U.S. workplaces- as the … Continue reading
One Response to They bite the hand that feeds them
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Stoplight 360
I recently saw a fast and easy way to rate your employees that makes the high performers and low performers stand out in a way that can’t be ignored. It uses Stop light Methodology: a red-yellow-green marking system. The advantage … Continue reading
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The influence of one man
I promised to return with the true story of the difference one man can make. If Sam knew that I was talking about him in my blog he’d be embarrassed. Recognition isn’t his thing. In fairness to Sam, I’m not … Continue reading
2 Responses to The influence of one man
Well said John. A fitting tribute to an inspiring man
Well it’s 2 AM, no kidding.
Thanks for the story about a great small businessman that has his own franchise working for the greatest man who ever lived. The franchise is free but it’s not cheap, it doesn’t pay well, you have to work everyday for the one payday and that day is priceless. Sam is a great businessman.
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There was an interesting report on National Public Radio earlier this week about Haiti. I tried to link it here, but I couldn’t find it in the hundreds of archived earthquake stories. If someone locates it, please let me know so I … Continue reading
Posted in Leadership
Tagged business ownership, entrepreneurship, leadership, small business advice
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Stunning article! You are absolutely right. Unfortunately, there are far too many who leave their values at the door when they go work, and we only see a very limited amount of ethics, seemingly, just enough to get by. But there are many, many more who walk the walk and do what is right, regardless of who is watching or what the cost is. My hat is off to these honorable ones!