As a business owner, you know what it’s like to lie awake at 2 a.m. Maybe it has happened when you are excited and full of new ideas for your business. More often, it’s because you are worried about issues you will face the next day. Sometimes, it’s because you just woke up with the solution to a problem. I’ve experienced all those emotions about my businesses over the years. Awake at 2 o’clock? is where I share them with you, and hopefully help with answers that will let you sleep.
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Tag Archives: entrepreneurship
Losing Your Mind
All of us who are business owners know how tough it is to run a business. Most of us have long ago gotten past the ego part of owning a company. Sometimes I’m really surprised at how that affects folks … Continue reading
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A New View of Who We Are
The economy has experienced 5 consecutive quarters of growth. We are officially more than a year past the end of the recession. I’m guessing that you, like me, responded to that fact with something like “HA!.” We all still feel … Continue reading
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In the long run
I met with a business owner the other day who has experienced a particularly difficult year. A confluence of economics, technology and criminal activity in his industry has kept him working long hours, with relatively little to show for it. He … Continue reading
Posted in Exit Planning, Leadership
Tagged business ownership, entrepreneurship, leadership, small business advice
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It IS all about you.
Why did you want to own a business? If you believe the textbook definition of an entrepreneur, it was to leverage capital and other resources to create wealth. That probably applies to about 5% of us. Or, you might have started … Continue reading
Posted in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Management
Tagged Ayn Rand, business ownership, entrepreneurship, leadership, small business advice
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The View from Here
I work in a small privately owned company. I have seen my boss burn the candle at both ends year after year to make his company successful. It amazes me though that many of the folks who work around me seem to feel that they deserve the same benefits as the boss. They are annoyed when he takes a day off, makes a luxurious purchase or takes a trip because they feel that they are entitled to the same benefits. I don't get it. They certainly have not and will not risk all that they have for the sake of the company. They are very content to simply collect their check each week and never think twice about the company after work or on the weekend. It's just another symptom of the socialistic virus that is affecting this country. That's not how it should be. You're the boss. You take the risks. You deserve the rewards at some point for God's sake. Go get 'em John.
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Hunters and Farmers
Several times monthly, I interview entrepreneurs who are considering membership in The Alternative Board® as a means to improve their business. Part of the process is asking each one what his or her core skills are – the things that … Continue reading
Posted in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Life After
Tagged business ownership, entrepreneurship, management, small business, small business advice
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One Response to Hunters and Farmers
Wow. This is refreshing. I feel like we're hounded over and over again to fight our entrepreneurial nature and make up for our "shortcomings" – it's great to be encouraged to embrace who we are instead. I think I'll go have another cup of coffee and encourage some out there thinking for a half an hour before I sit down to review our financial reports. Thanks, John!
Systems work. Stay with the plan. Check your ego at the door. Go fishing more often…I mean,that's why we own a business right? So we can do other things in life and not have to work all the time? Why screw up a good thing? Sounds like he did. Too bad.
Phil R.