Tag Archives: entrepreneurship

Why Do We Hate Salespeople?

A recent episode of “Downton Abbey” included a new servant tasked with passing out canapés at a dinner party. “Try one of these,” he quietly suggested to a guest. “I’m told they are quite good.” He was immediately pulled aside … Continue reading

Posted in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Management, Marketing and Sales | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

5 Responses to Why Do We Hate Salespeople?

  1. John H. says:

    If salespeople are hunters in a business culture dominated by farmers, why do I hate being interrupted by ill-prepared, gum chewing, robo-call driven telemarketers? I have managed several very successful sales teams, even started my career in a sales capacity. On a DISC chart I am shown to be a blend of task oriented and influencing. And I am the rainmaker in my own company today, successfully closing introverts and extroverts alike.

    People hate salespeople because (1) most of them really stink at their profession, and (2) the craft is deemed something anyone can do.Don’t believe me? Name the one university in the entire USA that offers a degree program in Sales. Can’t, can you?

    Our nation’s corporations and privately owned businesses all depend on sales people. Every mobile phone store, every insurance agency, every capital goods manufacturer… there are literally tens of thousands of sales positions through out the country. But few of them provide any real or substantive training and fewer still put quality over quantity. And most play the numbers game.

    The real answer- there is simply no alignment between the decision maker’s preference of behavior and the cold call that too many companies still reply on. Cold calling (not so affectionately known as interruptive selling in my office) dates back to a time when the telephone was new and novel, and product or service information was harder to obtain. Add to this today people have to do more with fewer resources (fewer people) and trying to pitch them while they are under a deadline makes little sense.

    Even less if you are unprofessional and ill-prepared.

    At the risk of appearing to steal your blog, here is an article I wrote some time ago, and believe to be accurate today. http://zenmarketinginc.com/just-effective-cold-calling-anyway/

  2. Neil Arthur says:

    John H: as a career salesperson / sales manager / CEO leader I could not agree with your more. Preparation for ‘making the sale’ is sorely lacking in just about every industry. I thought you might like to know that at least one public university does offer sales degrees, http://www.utoledo.edu/business/ESSPS/. I believe I have heard of others. Can’t vouch for any of them but that they exist is a good sign for raising the bar.

  3. Harry says:

    This statement in your post summarizes it – The best salespeople are focused on serving a customer’s need. People hate sales people because they forget this and try to push their products or services down customers throats without understanding their needs. Those who ask questions first and understand customers issues and needs before offering them the products are the ones who will be loved by customers.

  4. John Hyman says:

    Maybe it’s because 20% of people in sales are professionals, do their research, and have polished their skills. The other 80% are going through the motions, always in ‘sales” mode, and lack any real training. The bottom 80% are also unsupported from a savvy marketing team, and generally work for companies (or owners) who insist on following a sales process they themselves don’t even respond to (cold calling).

    Did you know there is only one university in the USA offering a degree in sales? Yet how many sales people do you know? Society places a minuscule importance on this profession (Lost a job? Why not go into sales?) Anyone can do it.

    Find a business owner who fully understands the entire sales process, invests in marketing, has realistic goals setting, and properly rewards achievement (results and motivation) and you’ll find those 20% of sales people.

  5. John Hyman says:

    Hey Merv… what can I say? Haters gonna hate.

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Investing in Your Own Business: Will It Pay Off?

A few months ago a business owner asked me to evaluate an acquisition offer for his small business. It was from a larger company headquartered in a different region of the country. They had a branch operation in his city, and wanted to expand … Continue reading

Posted in Building Value, Entrepreneurship, Exit Options, Exit Planning, Life After, Thoughts and Opinions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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How to Get Employee Buy-In for Your Values

There are few things more important than determining your company’s core values. I define an ideal core values statement as something you can frame and put on the wall so that, in your absence, any employee who has a question … Continue reading

Posted in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Management | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to How to Get Employee Buy-In for Your Values

  1. Cathy Locke says:

    You hit the nail right on the right spot!! Thanks! I don’t get a lot of time reading your blogs, but I put them in “your folder” and try to look back at them when possible. This is the time for making our small company statements, and since I have survivedYear 5, I feel we are at the point to really grow, so I will definitely follow your blog for today!! Thanks and Happy New Year!!

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Goals are More than Just Resolutions

Most of us (at least those who don’t own retail businesses) are in low-power mode at this time of year. Double midweek days off and decompression following the holiday rush allows us time to think. For many, that thinking naturally turns … Continue reading

Posted in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Management | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Goals are More than Just Resolutions

  1. Frank Benzoni P.E. Retired says:

    Once again a great adaptation of what to do and why – Excellent writing John !!


    Merry Christmas and a Happy 2015

  2. Claud Gilmer says:

    Hi John!
    Good info & timely reminder!
    Here’s to a successful 2015!
    Thanks, Claud

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Is Uber Really Disruptive Technology?

I attended a technology awards event a few nights ago. The speaker extolled technology as the engine of change and economic development, while attendees posted pictures of each other for the Pinterest feed on the screens to either side of … Continue reading

Posted in Thoughts and Opinions | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Is Uber Really Disruptive Technology?

  1. David Basri says:

    I am generally in agreement with Awake at 2 O’clock articles, but respectfully disagree with this one. What Uber has done is clearly disruptive to the traditional taxi industry. Previously the only phone number that would connect someone who wants a ride with someone who could provide one, was to a taxi company. Taxi company are a silo or vertical business model. Uber, and the other ride-share companies, have made it much more horizontal. The barrier to becoming part of a ride-share fleet is very low.

    John correctly identifies that as a serious issue that will need to be dealt with. The barrier is very low and government is largely out of the dynamic (which is both good news and bad news). Of course one could argue that it is a classic case of a consumer accepting increased risk in return for decreased cost. The industry will have to evolve to deal with the issues, but it has pretty clearly been a disruptive shift in a long’standing business model.

    • John F. Dini says:

      Thanks David, but I still don’t see how Uber inherently does more than a taxi company (match people wanting a ride with affiliated drivers who are willing to do so for pay.) Some folks read my article as an argument against Uber. Not at all. I’ve used the service, will again, and think it is terrific. The artificial market constraints of medallions that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in return for a middle-class wage should be removed. Uber is shaking up the industry, and I applaud them. Like you, I worry about the impact of claiming a right to work outside the public safety system. Working outside other regulations that exists merely to stifle competition? Go for it!

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