As a business owner, you know what it’s like to lie awake at 2 a.m. Maybe it has happened when you are excited and full of new ideas for your business. More often, it’s because you are worried about issues you will face the next day. Sometimes, it’s because you just woke up with the solution to a problem. I’ve experienced all those emotions about my businesses over the years. Awake at 2 o’clock? is where I share them with you, and hopefully help with answers that will let you sleep.
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5 Responses to What’s Wrong with the Buyer Generations?
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2 Responses to Death, Taxes and Exit Planning
At Successful Transition Planning Institute, we find that Fear drives this behavior. Fear of an Unknown future, Fear of Falling into a Black Hoe, Fear of Missing Out, and Fear of Death itself. Good post John. By helping owners express these fears and then helping them counterbalance them, the owners are free to logically think about the future of their business and themselves. We also find that that owners need to express their goals for the transition process, the outcome (the money and more). These goals become motivation for the owners to accomplish their business transition.
John: Great post. You are spot on here.
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Celebrating Mr. Fezziwig
To celebrate the holiday, I’m reprinting a post from 2013 about the underappreciated boss of A Christmas Carol, Mr. Fezziwig. I hope that you enjoy it. Merry Christmas! Last week was the 170th anniversary of the publication of Charles Dickens’ … Continue reading
Posted in Building Value, Entrepreneurship, Exit Planning, Leadership, Management
Tagged Baby Boomers, Boomer Bust, business, business ownership, business planning, business strategy, employee performance, employees, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, exit planning, leadership, management, small business, small business advice
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There are an increasing number of business owners in the environmental and facilities services industry who are preparing to retire.
Good article , John. I enjoy reading your posts.
Thanks Gary. It’s always great to hear that folks find them worthwhile!
Hey keep posting such sensible and significant articles.
Trip Holmes of Sabre Capital, Inc. find this to be true. Especially if the three Ds are involved…dark, dirty or dangerous!.