Delegation and depth are critical when presenting your business as a buying opportunity. For many business owners, exit planning means getting the company ready for sale to a third party. There are a number of approaches to enhancing preparedness for a third-party sale.
Assessing Readiness
Some planning software products begin with a comprehensive survey of the owner’s impressions of readiness. Note that we say “impressions.” A Likert scale questionnaire that asks a client to rate their understanding of a statement and its possible implications with questions like “How confident are you that you know the value of your business?” and a ranking from “no understanding” to “extremely well” often creates more questions than answers.
If an owner chooses “Fairly well,” for instance, does that mean he knows the value, or that he is fairly confident that he thinks he knows the value, or that he is really confident that he knows an approximate value? Nonetheless, some advisors will begin to build a plan around such subjective answers.
In fact, many systems take these subjective answers and use them to produce a score and a subsequent evaluation with a dollar figure for the presumed worth of the business. Regardless of the accuracy of the owner’s responses, they have created a line in the sand regarding value.
Keeping “Score”
The next step is often to assess different areas of operations. Depending on the expertise of the advisor, this may focus on operating efficiencies, sales processes, marketing approaches, financial record keeping or product and customer mix. Then the advisor runs a second evaluation, presuming that these areas have a higher score.
All this is intended to lead to one question. “Would you rather sell your business for $7,000,000 or for $12,000,000?” I know very few owners who would have the temerity to choose the first option, whether they have personal enthusiasm for embarking on a reorganization of their business or not.
The methodology is legitimate. There is ample evidence that improved operations and greater profitability lead to a higher selling price. It may, however, create a scenario where the owner is boxed into the strategy that works best for the advisor, regardless of whether it matches the client’s objectives (“Get out as soon as possible,” for example) or the company’s capabilities.
Delegation and Depth
The first issue, an owner’s objectives, should be addressed by deeper discovery. That is what we preach and teach with our ExitMap® tools. The second, company readiness, is more a matter of delegation and depth.
No business can embark on a comprehensive improvement process without a management team to implement it. That’s why we address Owner Centricity™ as the only area of company readiness that matters in the discovery phase of every engagement. If the client is already overwhelmed with personal responsibilities, new initiatives will just add more to an already over-full agenda. That’s a recipe for failure.
We map out the management team starting with the owner’s responsibilities. Then we add those employees who are next in line for those duties, along with a 1, 2 or 3 score. One indicates that the employee is fully ready to assume the day-to-day activities of the job. A two means that the employee is generally familiar with the area, but not ready to assume primary responsibility. A three indicates that there is no knowledge or capability for this area. A 3 is also used when there just isn’t anyone available to train.
Company Readiness
Diagramming the management team in such a depth chart permits a far more comprehensive look at which improvements are possible now, and which will require additional training or recruiting. It also gives the advisor a better understanding of the areas the owner will have to delegate to make the business more saleable.
In operational analysis, the capabilities of the management team are the principal determinant of the company’s readiness to grow.
The owner’s willingness to discuss such delegation is by far the best indicator of his or her preparedness for any value enhancement efforts.
Great post John. As a retired employee that worked from home for 30 years, you have pointed out the good and the bad. I know from experience that many people can’t give 100% when at home; too many distractions. Glad I’m not hiring anymore.
Great article John. Certainly lots to consider for business owners.
Hi John,
Thanks for presenting several sides of this situation. As someone who has worked remotely since our agency was formed in 2010, we were at a slight advantage because our culture didn’t change during the pandemic and we had all of our systems in place. Yet we saw the challenges many of our clients faced with their changing workforce demands and expectations. I can sympathize with workers who got their first taste of WFH recently (I know I never want to go back to a traditional office). But I also feel for the business owners who want and need some of their folks back in the same physical space. Tough to get that genie back in the bottle.
Perfectly said. Can’t put the genie back in the bottle. Many of us were ahead of the game, including you, John.