Meetings Part II: Start Right

Thank you to everyone who posted or emailed their suggestions for productive meetings. Please keep them coming!

By far the most frequent suggestion was to have a written agenda. That is as good a place as any to start.

Distribute an agenda. This should be done in advance of the meeting, and be copied to all invitees. It should include the beginning and ending time, and define who is responsible for each segment of the meeting. If an invitee has no responsibilities on the agenda, you can legitimately question why he or she is attending.

Identify a leader. Someone has to be the chairperson or leader of the group. “Let’s all get together and discuss it” is a poor use of time. Even an all-out brainstorming session should have someone responsible for keeping conversations on track and moving along. It’s best to acknowledge the leader’s scope and role at the outset. Too many meetings are ruined by a higher-ranking employee who chooses to ignore the authority of the facilitator.

meeting overheadBegin with the end in mind. The meeting chair should state the objectives of the meeting to start. What do you expect to walk away with? Are you making decisions for implementation, or is the meeting only to choose a direction that will require further research before moving forward? If there is no actionable decision expected, and a meeting is simply for exchanging information, use email instead.

State the finish time. Remind everyone (it should be on the agenda) of when the meeting ends. The leader should supply signposts for the agenda, such as how far along you should be at the halfway point.

Engage everyone at the outset. People who are introverted can easily become observers, watching the conversations of those who are more outspoken. Start the meeting with a quick go-around of a minute or two per person. It can be about what they did last weekend, or their favorite TV show. Get everyone speaking, but don’t let it turn into a conversation.

Remind everyone of the expense. One reader wrote that he is irritated by meeting chairs that don’t seem to understand the value of time. He specifically cited his trade organization. Board meetings are led by an association employee, who seems to have little realization that the business owners on the board value their time at hundreds or thousands of dollars an hour. The employee (who is the only person being paid to sit at the table) is clearly unconcerned about wasted or ineffective meeting time. Even if you don’t know the salary of each individual in the room, you can still estimate the hourly cost of the group just to make the point.

Empower the attendees. When discussing the agenda and timekeeping, all participants should share responsibility for staying on schedule. Make it plain that anyone is welcome, or even better — obligated, to speak up if things are falling behind.

Taking  a few minutes at the outset to get everyone focused pays big dividends in greater productivity.

Next week; the meat of the meet. Keep your ideas coming through posted comments or directly to me at Thanks

bookEveryone in business is either a Hunter or a Farmer. Take the Hunter/Farmer Quiz and see which description fits you.

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One Response to Meetings Part II: Start Right

  1. David Cunningham says:

    Meetings should end with agreement on the text for, “Actions Arising From This Meeting”. Where appropriate, the actions should include designation of the person responsible for the activity, resources that will be applied, next task review date, and delivery date. Most likely these last details will require time to flesh out but the process of having them called out as line items in the meeting agenda minimizes the risk that nothing will get done.
    Another good practice is to hold “Standing Meetings” where literally all attendees stand. This works well for Monday morning meetings to remind everybody of the targets for the week and quick assessment of any new issues. If the meeting is limited to 30 minutes, it is useful to have some hand signals, (eg throat swipe to cut off a topic needing more time or a different audience), to keep the meeting brief.

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“Death by Meeting”

Meetings  are often a painful necessity, but they are a necessity none the less. What makes a “good” meeting?

The saying “Death by meeting” is common enough. Patrick Lencioni authored a book with that title in 2004, but I remember it as being in common use long before that. It describes the pain, boredom and resentment of those who have to sit through unproductive or unnecessary meetings.

Bad meetingBad meetings steal time from more important activities. They are expensive. Take a half dozen $60,000 managers. Add in the cost of their benefits and infrastructure, Put them in a room together for ninety minutes, and you’ve spent between $400 and $500. Coordinate schedules, prepare an agenda, circulate meeting notes, post the action items on the company intranet, and you’ve easily spent $1,000. That’s before any action is taken.

Of course, there is another side to meetings. About 85% of our face-to-face communication involves non-verbal signals. Body language and facial expressions greatly facilitate any discussion process. In a good meeting, team members bond through personal contact. Differences in opinion can find middle ground in minutes, rather than via a week’s worth of emails. Consensus on a course of action allows everyone to leave the room with a clear understanding of group expectations, their individual role, and the next step in the process.

From a morning “huddle” to a three-day strategic retreat, meetings have a purpose and a place in every organization. We are social animals. Humans are the only primate with white eyeballs. Scientists believe that other primates evolved to hide the direction of their gaze, while humans’ evolutionary direction was to emphasize who we are looking at for better communication.

Meetings are a necessity. The challenge is to avoid making them an unpleasant necessity.

Over the next few weeks I’ll discuss types of meetings and ideas for making them more effective. I would love to include your ideas and experiences. Please comment, or contact me using the link in the sidebar.

Take the Hunter/Farmer Quiz to better understand your role in business.



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The Value of a Cleared Mind

Last weekend I missed my first weekly post in about two years. I was in Los Angeles, attending an intensive workshop for professional speakers. It was a life-resetting experience. Apologies in advance for the zillion hyperlinks, but they are all richly warranted.

keller lightbulbI went because of the quality of the instructors, and want to acknowledge them here. Organizer and literary marketing guru Wendy Keller did an amazing (her favorite word) job of putting them together, and contributing her own deep knowledge of the industry. John Bates, a TED trainer, Max Dixon on body movement and presentation gestures, and Bernie Hiller, acting coach par excellance, were all breathtaking in their ability to pull the best out of people in a compressed time frame.

Jeff Roldan is a top-echelon videographer. I’d tell you how great his work is, but I haven’t seen his footage yet. (Sorry Jeff! 🙂 ) He was, however, a pleasure to work with. (I just hope I don’t look like Bela Lugosi, whom I’ve been told I resemble.)

(If you are interested, participation is via application and interview only. Start at

Better yet, and entirely unexpected, was the quality of the nine other students. Victor, the very large but totally gentle financial planner, Nancy, a former marketer for Barbie and now a consultant on youth marketing, Annette, a PhD who loves working with tech entrepreneurs, Leo, the world champion wrestler who defected from Romania and arrived in LA with nothing but determination, and Laura, who is changing the investment world.

Then there was Angela, a successful attorney who lost her eyesight in college, Janine, a school superintendent who is insanely passionate about improving literacy, Alia wants to bring greater humanity to corporate management, and Mike Muhney only invented ACT! and launched the entire CRM industry.

So I had three days of hard work and outstanding camaraderie, returning in the wee hours of Tuesday morning exhausted but pumped. Now for the rest of the story.

Later Tuesday I found out that a date hold on my calendar had turned into a major keynote engagement. I was also asked to contribute to a column in on presentation skills. (Ya think maybe I was ready for that one?) A routine catch-up lunch with a banker turned into a major revelation about my marketing effectiveness.

On Wednesday I was asked if a national marketing publication, Onward Magazine, could use one of my “Awake” columns in their July issue. I also had a “Let’s get acquainted” breakfast with another banker, which unexpectedly turned into a plan for joint marketing and another speaking opportunity.

On Thursday, an interview I gave a few weeks ago came out as a long profile piece at Later that day my business coach, Agnes Mura (might as well get everyone in- regular readers know that I don’t usually do this) gave me what is probably the best promotional idea I’ve ever heard in-my-life.

On Friday I met with my marketing pro, Lara August of Robot Creative. We went over book sales, and I discovered that the marketing is actually having a measurable effect. Hallelujah! She had also had an interview for an entrepreneurial podcast, whose sponsor (in Michigan) had not only heard of me, but is among the elite who’ve read my book, and now wants to interview me.

Coincidences? I think not. I’ve discovered the secret to success. Spend a few days doing something completely different. Stretch from your comfort zone. Make new friends. Clean up your attitude. Then quickly go out and talk with as many really smart people as you possibly can.

Take it from me. You can’t miss.

Take the Hunter Quiz and see if you are Hunting in a  Farmer’s World.


Ippy Silver
NYBF Winner
Hunting in a Farmer’s World has received its fifth award, named the Best Business Book by the New York Book Festival. Thank you!


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2 Responses to The Value of a Cleared Mind

  1. It is amazing how involvement with smart people can make one so “lucky.” Time well spent.

  2. Wow, John! Thank you for mentioning all of us in this great article. You’re so right – getting out of our zone is so beneficial (should I say “amazing”?) You were such an asset to the course – strong, wise, grounded, clear. It’s a pleasure to get to know you better. Wishing you much continued success!

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Would You Like that With or Without Service?

In the 1980’s, when Boomers dug into their career paths and started hiring other Boomers to do things for them, the United States became a service economy. Driven by their ambition for material success, Boomers opened millions of new businesses to provide services for each other.

When these small businesses were bootstrapping, the owner provided, or at least oversaw all the transactions. He or she cherished every customer. The “extra mile” was available to anyone who wanted to do business. When asked how they thrive when others fail, most owners will start with “We give better service.”

Really? How many small business owners can still say that with confidence? As we build larger organizations, we grow further and further away from our customers. Multi-site operators layer on “systems” to ensure at least the appearance of service, but these aren’t always in evidence.

Bad-ServiceOn the run, I utilized two drive through windows this week. At the first, I received nothing to assist me in eating. No napkins or utensils, just a bag with the food. At the other, the window server didn’t respond to my greeting, say “Thank you” when taking my money, or reply to my “Have a nice day.” Silence throughout the transaction.

My wife took her Dad for outpatient surgery this week. The directions emphasized that they must be checked in and processed no later than 6:30 AM. Getting a wheelchair-bound late-stage Alzheimer’s patient to an appointment takes a lot of work, but they dutifully arrived at 6:00 AM. Once checked in, they were informed that the procedure was scheduled for 10:30.

When my wife asked why they were told to be ready four hours early, the employee responded “Because the doctor likes to have everyone checked in by 6:30 so he knows what his day looks like.” This wasn’t a world-renowned specialist. It was merely one person’s insufferable arrogance.

These are small businesses where service has been forgotten. They aren’t the phone company or the Department of Motor Vehicles, just businesses that are doing so well that they are no longer concerned about whether people leave happy, as long as they leave their money.

On the other hand, I had my car serviced at Gunn Infiniti last week. They had to hold it for an extra day, and my schedule was packed when it was ready. (Side note: My car is eight years old. I’m anything but a high-end customer.) I called between appointments, and told Todd, the service manager, that I could swing by for only a few minutes to pick it up.

When I arrived, it was parked at the door of the service department. Todd came out with my completed paperwork. Including transferring some junk I was carrying, it took six minutes to get in, pay the bill, and get back on the road. I made it to my next appointment on time.

It’s a shame that good service is becoming such a notable event that I think it deserves special recognition. It’s nice, however, that some businesses still deliver it.

Take the Hunter Quiz and see if you are Hunting in a  Farmer’s World.


Ippy Silver
NYBF Winner
Hunting in a Farmer’s World has received its fifth award, named the Best Business Book by the New York Book Festival. Thank you!

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Tell Me What I Want to Hear

Those of us who are Hunters tend to be in a hurry. Hunters are linear; we move from objective to objective in as close to a straight line (allowing for our ADD “squirrels”) as we can. The completion of any goal is merely the first step towards the completion of the next goal.

The farmers who work with and for us are different. They prefer cyclical tasks, with a beginning a middle and an end. Completion preferably means starting the cycle again. They take pride in perfecting their cyclical systems. The production cycle, the budget cycle, the marketing cycle — all have processes that can be mastered with repetition.

farmer on tractorThis doesn’t make farmers drones or automatons. A farmer can be just as competitive as any hunter and just as skilled. He or she is simply part of the large majority that is more comfortable with the known than with the unknown. Hunters like not knowing the complete answer. It is more fun to figure it out.

Hunters choose to experiment, often with a strong suspicion that they will fail at least once before finding an answer to the problem. Farmers prefer to have greater confidence that a satisfactory solution lies at the end of their efforts.

When farmers have to answer to hunters, there is often a communication gap. The hunter seeks an answer to a problem. He or she knows that there are variables, things change, and no answer is permanent or infallible. The farmer’s definition of knowing the answer is knowing the answer.

The hunter answers questions about a plan with confidence, knowing full well that the answer is situational and circumstances may change, in which case there is no obligation to stick with the last iteration. The farmer would prefer not to answer at all until there is a clearly defined pathway to success.

So the hunters asks a farmer for a solution. The farmer says he doesn’t have one. The hunter decides the farmer must be stupid, or at least a weak decision maker. He tells the farmer that it’s his job to come up with answers, or he (hunter) will make the decisions himself.

So next time, the farmer gives a definitive answer rather than be branded as a loser. Neither the decision process nor the probability of success has changed, but the hunter is happy because he heard what he wanted to hear.

Take the Hunter Quiz and see if you are Hunting in a  Farmer’s World.


Ippy SilverHunting in a Farmer’s World has been named  the National Silver Medal Award winner by the Independent Publishers Association as one of the year’s best business books. Thank you!


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One Response to Tell Me What I Want to Hear

  1. David Basri says:

    From a definite hunter, I would agree that farmers prefer cycles and prefer predictability. However, I would also argue that farmers, at least real ones, are some of the best there are at dealing with variables and unpredictability. They know what the optimum cycle should be, and they know that the weather is unlikely to cooperate, the price of fuel is volatile, and they have to plant today to get commodities prices they do not control six months later. Throw a wrench into the engine and most real farmers will figure out a way to fix the fan blade to finish the plowing.

    Hunters might adapt by choosing a different goal or strategy. Farmers adapt by fixing the specific issue to get the cycle back on track.

    The difference in communication style is real. Metaphors only go so far.

    David Basri

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