Never Fire a Salesperson

The majority of business owners prefer linking pay to employee performance. The sales role in most businesses is the easiest and most obvious place to begin. Yet owners struggle with compensating salespeople in a manner that is affordable while still driving sustained performance.

Building a sales commission plan requires a balance between security (some form of base compensation) and incentives for performance. In addition, there are three factors that are considerations in the structure; Service levels, price flexibility and the length of the company’s sales cycle.

  1. Service Levels: These are (or should be) described in the salesperson’s job description. How many tasks are required that aren’t, strictly speaking, sales? Duties may require in-servicing or training clients on new products, straightening customer inventory, troubleshooting shipping and production issues, or other ongoing responsibilities that  fall more under the category of customer service than new business development. Base pay should reflect the percentage of working time that is expected for these tasks. Ignore the cost to the salesperson of these requirements, and they are likely to be neglected.
  2. Price Flexibility: This is a pretty straightforward part of compensation structuring. If prices are fixed, and the salesperson has no control over them, then commissions can be tied to gross sales. If the salesperson can offer customers different percentages off a book price, estimates, volume discounts or has any other control over the selling price, commissions should be based on gross margins.
  3. Sales Cycle: Simply put, how long does it usually take to land a customer? I worked with a CPA firm that wanted to hire a salesperson on commission only. When asked about the typical time between introduction to a prospect, and a decision to move compliance business to the firm, they answered “Two or three years.” They had no idea how the salesperson was supposed to survive long enough to see the fruits of his or her efforts. Pure commission structures are more appropriate in one-stop sales situations.

Base compensation covers two scenarios. One is the non-sales work as described above. The other is to provide a level of security while the employee is learning the business or building a customer base. There are three types of base pay.

  • Draw is an advance on commissions not yet earned. If the salesperson is starting with no customer base, draw arrangements frequently fall into the trap of a disincentive. Negative balances that have to be made up before the employee can earn more are discouraging. If there is a draw arrangement, it should logically be accompanied by a starting active customer base or recurring revenue that at least comes close to covering it.
  • Guarantees are similar to draw, but with no downside or deficit balance for falling short of goal. They function like salary, except that they are directly tied to sales production from the first dollar.
  • Salary is appropriate for new people starting out, or for positions that have a high service requirement. If the salary is to be permanent, then it should be about half the eventual expected income.

salesmanSalaries don’t have to be permanent. I knew one very successful organization that started all new sales employees on straight salary. Commissions were tracked, but none were paid while the employee was getting a salary. It lasted for six months, after which the employee automatically converted to straight commission.

If commissions were running at a rate less than the salary after six months, the salesperson was welcome to continue working for less compensation. The company also offered an interesting feature. The salesperson could elect at any time prior to the six month cutoff to move to straight commission. Of course, there was no going back.

This type of plan illustrates the final critical factor in any sales incentive plan. The salesperson should know, from the first day of employment, the level at which he or she is expected to perform, and the time allowed to reach that goal. Except for service compensation, any guaranteed base ceases at that point. A chart of this concept, dubbed “The Francis Curve” after the friend who first drew it for me, is on page 66 of my book Hunting in a Farmer’s World.

In the straight-salary-to straight-commission model above, salespeople knew from the first day when their commissions were expected to exceed their guaranty. Of course, many pleaded for an extension, claiming to be “real close” to making it. They were  invited to invest in their own success by toughing it out until they succeeded.

In reality, most who were underperforming chose self-termination well in advance of the deadline. A properly structured compensation plan means that you never have to fire a salesperson. They either leave voluntarily, or lower their cost to match their performance.

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Few Employees Can Go the Distance

It’s been an unusual week. I’ve had at least four coaching conversations about employees whose jobs have outgrown them. On the one hand, it’s good news. It means that the companies are growing. On the other hand, it’s always tough to deal with an employee who has hit their maximum in performance. (See “You Can Go this Far, but No Further“.)

Ming the mercilessThere’s a saying that I’ve heard attributed to Sanford Sigoloff, the corporate turnaround professional with the sobriquet “Ming the Merciless” for his scorched earth cost cutting. I can’t find it attributed to him or anyone else, so I’m claiming it as my own until someone gives me a source.

“Every time you double the size of a company, 75% of the people who got you there won’t be able to come with you to the next level.”

It sounds cold, which is probably why I associate it with Sigoloff/Ming. No matter how uncomfortable or politically incorrect it is, it is generally true.

Before we get into debate about what “doubling” means, let’s just say that it is different things in different industries. It could be the number of customers or orders you handle, the number of employees, or the gross revenue of a company. For this discussion, let’s use revenue in a mythical distribution/services business, where the dollar volume is a reasonable yardstick for the general complexity of the business.

A competent founder can usually manage an organization up to around $5,000,000 in gross revenue. (See “The Secret to Growing a $1 Million Company by 5x“.) At that point, the business has typically outstripped his or her ability to monitor all of its functions. If it is going to double, the founder has to develop people who can work unsupervised, who can supervise others in task-based activities, and who understand the company’s culture and vision for the future.

For many, this is a stalling point. If the “best” employees have been selected solely for their personal productivity, they may not have the skills to get the work accomplished through others. There is a leap in personal development for both the owner and the employee. The owner may have a challenge in learning to delegate. (In such cases, the owner is part of the 75% who can’t grow.)

The next doubling, from $10,000,000 to $20,000,000, requires that these people can do more than merely supervise. They have to be able to identify and teach others to work unsupervised, and communicate the culture and vision downstream. “Just watch me!” no longer works, since their span of management has grown beyond one-on-one training.

From $20,000,000 to $40,000,000 and beyond, the delegation and decision making is pushed even further away from the founder. Now his or her key people have to teach people how to teach people. Training the trainer is another category of skills, and one that relatively few people can do well.

If we use simple arithmetic progression, one of the four key workers at $5MM will be a great supervisor at $10MM. Perhaps two or three of the ten supervisors at $10MM will have grown into real managers at $20MM, and a small handful of managers will have developed into executives when the company reaches $40MM.

It sounds cruel, but anyone who has run a growing company knows that it’s true. As much as we value our best employees at each stage, most can’t maintain the “key employee” designation for the whole trip. They may still be in your organization, but only at the level where they reached their maximum performance capability. Trying to drag everyone the distance is really the crueler alternative.

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2 Responses to Few Employees Can Go the Distance

  1. Jim Marshall says:

    Other factors beside $ growth can impact “key employee” status. Among them are supervising a business when it starts multiple locations…which often occurs in businesses under 5 million….

  2. Mike Wright says:

    The owner should definitely consider this when hiring and selecting people for development, or they will have telling problems in achieving planned growth.

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Minimum Wage and the Middle Class

“Amongst the novel objects that attracted my attention during my stay in the United States, nothing struck me more forcibly than the general equality of conditions.”

Alexis De Tocqueville (Democracy in America, 1831)

Americans have always considered themselves “middle class.” Traditionally, that self-identification was embraced by people from just above the poverty line to those near the top 1% of incomes ($350,000 annually.)

The last two decades saw corporate CEO incomes rise from 40 times that of the average worker to 400. Young tech billionaires don’t maintain the low public profiles of earlier super-rich, but instead embark on grand projects (space flight, education, medical research) that were formerly limited to government sponsorship. A voracious media, in its quest for content, does it best to make certain that everyone is a voyeur of lifestyles they can never afford.

In the meantime, technology and global competition continue to erode the middle. When the job of someone making $35,000 a year is eliminated, they don’t just step up to a $50,000 job. In reality, most have to accept something less. The Department of Labor now counts 6,400,000 Americans who are working part time jobs, but say they want full time work. (Working as little as 1 hour a week means you do not count in the most widely published U-2 unemployment statistics.)

stairway to successAs the quadrennial election cycle heats up, a popular solution for income redistribution is to mandate a huge jump in minimum wage. Pay the lowest tier of workers more, the logic goes, and we will have a more stable democracy. Besides, the money will only come from business “profits,” and therefore be relatively painless for the payor.

According to the compensation survey company PayScale, the average small business owner with over ten years in business (a success, by most measures) makes just over $105,000 a year. That isn’t a shabby living, but it’s a long way from being rich; and it includes those profits.

Those small business owners create 65% of the new jobs in this country. Although Obamacare is a more direct tax on employers, minimum wage is similar in that it doesn’t apply if you don’t hire someone. One of the reasons for the huge growth in unwilling part-time employees (up 50% since 2008) is employer avoidance of the requirements for health insurance. It doesn’t take an economist to see the consequences of adding a high minimum wage to the cost of employment.

  • If high minimum wages are implemented piecemeal (by city or state)  then there will be some cross-migration. Businesses will select lower-wage areas, while employees will gravitate to places with higher wages.  The assumption of politicians that because a business has bricks and mortar it is stuck in their jurisdiction is erroneous.
  • If such a wage is enforced nationally, it’s hard to understand why offshoring to low-labor cost countries wouldn’t accelerate for those businesses that are able to do so. Those that can’t are concentrated in retail, hospitality and personal services — already among the lowest-margin areas of business ownership. So entrepreneurs who make the least money will shoulder the bigger burden.
  • Small businesses, typically laggards in adopting technology, will find the return on investment far more appealing. I can see fast food restaurants with touch pads for customers, and one long line for the computer illiterate.
  • Those currently making minimum wage will discover, much to their dismay, that between about $17,000 a year and $23,000 a year 85% of their income increase is offset by the loss of Earned Income Tax Credits; leaving them essentially even.
  • Starting a small business with employees will have much less financial appeal. Those with entrepreneurial instincts and ambition will recalculate the benefits. That may well lead to fewer bootstrap startups, which are typically a starting place for many minimum wage workers.

Finally, a high minimum wage doesn’t fix the problem. There are jobs, especially in the trades, where employers are happy to pay $15 an hour or more for people with appropriate skills. Paying a sandwich wrapper the same as an electrician’s helper won’t make sandwich wrapping a stepping stone to the middle class.

Here are some of my earlier posts on this topic:

A Tiered Minimum Wage for Small Business (2013)

The Black Donut Hole (2010)

If you like what you read, please pass it along. Comments are always welcomed!

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One Response to Minimum Wage and the Middle Class

  1. Mike Wright says:

    The only real way to solve the problem of the shrinking middle class is through technological advances and higher levels of universal education. Governments at all levels have failed to provide the education required and continue to take more money away from the private sector. Money that could be used to develop new technologies and train their workers to move into higher paying jobs. They are taking actions to get the political support of those who cannot, or choose not to, understand that their simplistic approaches will fail. The envy of astronomically higher salaries of CEO’s are playing right into their political strategies that are definitely not “for the people”.

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The Extinction of the Summer Job

I’ve read several articles of late discussing the decline in the number of older high school and college students that take jobs for the summer. Each of these reflected on how summer employment taught millions of Americans their first work habits.

Lifeguard poolAround 30% of students now seek summer employment. That is half the pre-recession level. While I’m sure that some don’t work simply because their Boomer parents or grandparents have enough money to support their leisure activities, many are doing other things to prepare for life. Unpaid internships serve just as well as entry-level job training. Volunteer community service can teach life lessons that are every bit as good, and probably better, than shaking French fries into a paper bag. What looks stronger on an application; a summer with Burger Buddy or one with Habitat for Humanity?

Of course, the “Summer in Europe” has become a hallmark of comfortable middle class. Parents recall their summers in hot factories or mowing lawns and take pride in saving their children from such experience by providing what is undeniably an educational alternative. Most of us can’t afford the graduation “Grand Tour” of nobility past, but four weeks of a group package tour is a close approximation.

The decline in Summer employment isn’t entirely due to more attractive options. The thinning of middle class jobs (more on that next week) has moved millions of workers into lower-wage hourly jobs that don’t provide paid vacation, and the resulting openings for temporary replacements. Kids between semesters are now competing with full-time adults for positions.

Similarly, the simpler repetitive jobs, especially in manufacturing, have either been replaced by technology or shipped overseas. Those that are left require too much training to waste it on a short-term worker.

Summer jobs were either for spending money or educational expenses. Spending money has changed as a concept. When I grew up, “having fun” for a teenager was synonymous with getting out of the house. Now it’s just as likely to mean holing up in your bedroom  with friends and your TV, chatting with them via social media, or making new friends around the globe through online gaming.

As to summer jobs to pay for education, that’s become a joke. My summer employment provided about half the cost of my college education. When my son took his first summer job, I tried promoting a strong college savings program. Some simple arithmetic made me realize that everything he could save all summer wouldn’t cover his student activity fees, much less make any dent in his tuition. If a student is paying all or part of his educational costs now, it’s by working year-round. The rest just graduate with a huge debt.

So, like most “sudden” demographic shifts, this one turns out to have many reasons. A shift in the full-time workforce, fewer entry-level or temporary positions, greater accessibility to resume-building alternatives, recreational options, lower travel costs and educational expenses that render summer income moot; all play a part.

How does this affect small business? Our paradigm when hiring for entry-level positions has changed. I hear it from owners on a regular basis. “He (or she) is twenty-something years old. By this time he should know that you have to show up on time, are expected to put in a full day’s work, and can’t ask for time off after only a few weeks on the job.”

Well, maybe he should know, but he doesn’t. Increasingly, an employee’s first job after college is his first job…period. Small business has always been the basic training ground for careers. Now it is the training program for work. Large corporations can afford to put new employees through extensive orientation on work habits and job expectations. Small business usually needs them to be productive from the first day.

If you can’t invest in basic training, look at that resume carefully for how the summers were spent. If there is a job or other structured activity, don’t just check it off. Find out what the prospective employee did, whether he stayed for the expected period, how he left and what he learned. It can save a lot of frustration for both parties.

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2 Responses to The Extinction of the Summer Job

  1. Hi John,
    Whoa, this describes the situation exactly (except I don’t know of any “middle class” folks that can afford summers in Europe)! As Chief Moderator at BizSugar, I feel your article hits home to small business owners the fact that most young people — not millennials, but generation Z, those who are about ages 15 through about 18–will be entering the job market with far, far less practical experience than even the millennials, let alone Gen X or the boomers, and this message may really deter them from giving these young folks a chance. As minimum wage jobs go up to provide underemployed adults with a means of providing for their families, perhaps it’s a good idea for small business owners to re-create those summer jobs of the past, by hiring a kid to scan some documents, run errands, do a little of this and of that and above all, get used to talking to customers and dealing with people. As a parent, I’d like to see this, but from the SMB’s perspective, they might not have the extra cash lying around after they pay the grownups.
    Hmm….food for thought.

    • John F. Dini says:

      Your point is well made, Heather. A new generation is coming into the workplace with less work experience than any before. It will be interesting, to say the least. Thanks for your input.

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Ageing Boomer Entrepreneurs: Fearful or Smart?

Do we become more cautious with age?

Startups are usually associated with younger entrepreneurs. By the time they reach their 50s or 60s business owners tend to tackle fewer big new ideas. Those that do tend to be successful enough that they can segregate the risk in a way that won’t threaten their core livelihood. Are they smarter, or just more fearful of failure?

There are any number of business axioms about the value of experience. “Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.” or “Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.” Does the caution that accompanies age come from experience, or just from a natural reduction in adrenalin?

The youngest Baby Boomers turn 50 this year. Collectively, they represent over half the small business ownership in the United States. There is an important macroeconomic issue attached to the general ageing of owners. If risk-aversion is a biologic phenomenon, then we can expect millions of small employers to drift into “harvest mode,” maintaining their businesses as vehicles for current cash flow and retirement security. They will leave growth and innovation to a younger, but substantially smaller group of entrepreneurs.

Some of their caution is due to external influence. As companies grow and founders age, they become far more conscious of their responsibility to employees’ families and children. Putting everything on the line has potential impact not only on workers, but the extended small economy that depends on their wages. Greater responsibility generates greater caution.

danger aheadWhen you are starting out, have fewer people depending on you, and mistakes have fewer consequences (see my 2014 post The Luxury of No Resources),  it’s easier to take a leap. If you fail, you’re not much worse off than you were before. But there are costs to learning by trial and error. After a while, going back to the drawing board becomes tiresome.

Ideally, the caution that comes with age isn’t from fear. It’s because you’ve come to appreciate the value of planning. It’s not because you are afraid to make a mistake, but rather you want to avoid the delays that come with making repairs every time you hit a pothole.

Every school of business wisdom extols the value of planning. When we are younger, we tend to ignore it. We scoff at Abraham Lincoln’s quote “If I had eight hours to cut down a tree; I’d spend seven sharpening my saw.” The tree is right in front of us. The saw is in our hands. We can sharpen as we go. Sometimes that works. Often it doesn’t.

Many Boomer owners will operate from a fear of failure. Their businesses will fade as the world continues to change around them and they don’t adjust. Hopefully, they’ve been successful enough in the past to exit comfortably.

Some, likely a small minority, still seek to leave a bigger legacy. They have a shorter time frame, lacking the 30 or 40 years of a full career ahead of them. They’ve learned to spend the seven hours sharpening, so that the hour spent sawing is easier and more productive. Those entrepreneurs will adjust to change on their own timetable, but  with far better results.

Their caution isn’t from fear, but from experience.


Posted in Building Value, Entrepreneurship, Exit Planning, Exit Strategies, Life After, Thoughts and Opinions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Ageing Boomer Entrepreneurs: Fearful or Smart?

  1. Cathy Locke says:

    Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.” or “Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.”
    I agree with both of these. I really enjoy your blogs! I was forced into inventing a “new self employed start up” at 62. I have no regrets but with my “experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want” is an ongoing goal as well.

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