Time Bankruptcy and Communications Technology

A friend says that she hasn’t been able to tackle any new projects because she is in “time bankruptcy.” It expresses very well how she feels about her ability to control her schedule, but she has been claiming bankruptcy for over a year now. Even Chapter 11 reorganizations end sooner or later.

Colleague and time management maven Steve Davies in New York tells this story:

A man is transported back to 1991. Upon telling someone that he is from 2016 he is asked “What is the biggest change over the next 25 years?”

He takes out his smartphone. “We all carry these.” He says. “It is a telephone that can make video calls and a camera, but it also has all my contacts, sends and receives both email and instant messages, holds my entire music library, receives TV shows and movies, updates the news constantly, tracks my exercise and diet, and keeps my calendar. It tells me when I have a meeting, gives me directions to get there, and routes me around traffic.”

“Wow!” his acquaintance responds. “What do you do with all the time you save?”

The story is best told with a wry smirk at the end. Of course, our incredible time-saving technology doesn’t save any time at all.

Washing machines were going to free housewives for days of leisure. Automobiles would zip us from place to place, cutting travel time to almost nothing. Email would save the effort and drudgery of typing and circulating memos.

But we choose to utilize each advance in technology to do more. Washing machines allowed us to wear clean clothes every day (or in the case of teenage boys, multiple times daily.) Automobiles extended our tolerance for travel to the point where each of us now averages over 100 minutes in the car daily. (But at least we can make phone calls.) Email for most business people is over 100 “real” messages a day, without even considering the time spent erasing spam.

Time isn’t flexible. You can’t store it or make it up. A minute gone is a minute gone. Time-saving technology is only useful if you use it to do exactly what you were doing before, only faster. When you employ it for added work rather than enhanced productivity, it becomes just another demand on your time.

time-bankruptcyI think more of us are facing time bankruptcy as a permanent condition. The curse of communications technology is that we can start so many things, and take forever to finish them. Why settle for a couple of words that are “close” to what we want in a conversation when we can correct it one more time. Of course, the recipient has to acknowledge the final change (if he doesn’t make another himself) and you have to acknowledge the acknowledgement. Hey, it only takes a minute.

We feel guilty when we aren’t communicating. Have you watched a business audience waiting for a speaker, people on line at the DMV or even at the supermarket? No opportunity to pull out a smartphone and “catch up” is missed. Of course, when you do that, another person is put in the position of not being caught up.

I’d like to offer a solution, but I think it will take some time before we can develop acceptable socials mores that control the flood of communications in our lives. Until then, most of us will struggle with time bankruptcy.

Enjoy Awake at 2 o’clock? Please share it with another business owner.

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4 Responses to Time Bankruptcy and Communications Technology

  1. Does calendaring every minute of the day help?

  2. Mike Wright says:

    To solution may come in the difference between management and leadership. “Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things.”Management’s purpose is to accomplish work efficiently. The phone can help this, but it also makes us spend more time ‘reacting’ to greatly increased stimuli. Leadership is responsible for setting direction and getting the things done that are most important to success. If we can get back more time to spend thinking, planning and acting strategically in a changing world we could accomplish more important things.

  3. Time bankruptcy – I lovge it. So true. Technology is one thing our behaviours another. Someone said to me once “What about if Bill Gates came before Alexander Bell. We are sending everything through email and Bell comes along and says; Don’t worry I’ve got this! I have invented a phone, you can get through to people straight away” Yeah right!

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Trust in Business and the Law

Every day, in almost every transaction, we rely on trust in business. We believe that a customer will pay us according to the terms of a sale. Our employees have access to money, goods and confidential information because we trust them.

We order goods from far away, perhaps in another country, and trust that when we open the boxes what is inside is what we ordered. We present credit cards to retail clerks or waiters and trust that they aren’t selling our information to thieves.

In the last thirty years we’ve had a flood of new laws. According to some reports, almost 80% of them are now enacted by bureaucratic fiat. A government agency issues a rule, including the penalties for non-compliance. Regardless of where it comes from, a rule that carries punishment is a law.

The US Chamber of Commerce estimates the cost of business complying with new regulations. It is over $10 billion in added expense every year. In 2015, we added over 3,000 new laws to the book, although Congress only passed about 200 of those.

But has this made us more honest? Why are we even more suspicious and protective than ever before? I think we’ve come to depend on laws over trust, and that is a mistake.

We have a candidate for President who admits that she endangered national secrets in an attempt to keep her emails from the eyes of the very government she worked for, but points out that she broke no laws.

She met with representatives of foreign governments who simultaneously petitioned her office for benefits while they paid her husband millions of dollars for an hour’s work, but they broke no laws.

The other candidate admits that he siphoned large sums from companies that he then put into bankruptcy, ruining hundreds of vendors and contractors, but he broke no laws. He calls it “smart business.”

This man acknowledges serial philandering on his serial wives, but wears it as a badge of pride. He makes outrageous claims that he could easily substantiate, but refuses to do so because the law doesn’t require it.

broken-trustWhatever the outcome of this election, it’s plain that we will have a President whom the majority of the country doesn’t trust. If they’ve shown us anything, it is that laws alone can’t coerce honest behavior.

Yet we are expected to rely on trust in business every day while complying with regulations designed with the worst players in mind. How many business owners pay employees less than the law allows? Whom do you deal with that you know defrauds their customers?

None the less, the government cranks out 15 new laws every working day, and even the most honest and upright among us have to share the burden of compliance.

No volume of laws can replace trust in business. It’s sad that we are about to elect a President who makes that plain.

Please share Awake at 2 o’clock with another business owner. Thanks!

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4 Responses to Trust in Business and the Law

  1. Don’t forget the cost of hiring CPAs and attorneys to help comply with the law.

  2. John Hyman says:

    Almost everyone knows the axiom “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” but have you considered this when writing a politically biased and provocative article?

    Point #1- when in our lives have we ever had a body of Congressman that we actually trusted? And recent changes to the campaign laws they enacted only serve to promote their ability to retain office and the agendas of a select few with deep pockets to donate.

    Point #2- Why are laws enacted in the first place? Are you so naive as to believe there is an anti-small business cabal operating within the government? All you have to do is look at the recent Wells Fargo fiasco to see why government regulations are necessary. Greed and ego are almost usually at the heart of a scandal and when left unbridled there is an ugly side to capitalism.

    Government exists to protect its citizenry. Yes, it is easy to cite examples of overreach, and yes, it is often burdensome to small business owners. But imagine what our society would resemble with little to no oversight?

    Yes, I have become more reliant on laws, because trust is hard to find in corporate and political culture today.

    • John F. Dini says:

      Well John, I don’t see how you could say I’m biased unless you believe everything about one candidate and nothing about the other. And sorry, but I don’t agree that “They are all like that” is an acceptable justification. My “majority don’t trust” comment is the result of dozens of reputable polls. It is a fact, not an opinion. I have little respect for either “right wing attack journalism” or “the liberal media.”

      As to part 2- you are treading close to trolling territory. Who said anything remotely about a conspiracy, and why would I be naïve? Of course the government has a role in protecting it’s citizens. Another fact. Since the 1970s we’ve seen an explosion of new laws. My point is that they take the least common denominator and apply it to everyone. (How many of us really need a warning that hot coffee is hot?)

      I don’t often take on political issues in my column, but I also find it tough to ignore a topic that is brought up daily in my conversations with owners, which is a broad lack of enthusiasm for either one of the people who will be the next President. Last fact: a total of 9% of eligible voters cast their ballot for either Clinton or Trump in the primaries. A democracy gets the government it deserves.

  3. Mike Wright says:

    The stated purpose of Government is “to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence (sic), promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,…” I don’t see that the points made are politically biased. I believe we should ask of all politicians, whether their actions are honestly motivated by this purpose or for their own personal interests. It is strongly held that the foundation of our uniquely American form of capitalistic system was made possible by trust that sprung from religious beliefs of our founders. We have moved away from spirituality, but it cannot move away from morality and its stated purpose. How can politician revise morality and redefine life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness every two, four or six years based upon the convenience of a simple majority of less that 70% of the people.

    As a business person with some financial understanding, it seems that every new citizen of the US (born or immigrating) is now assuming a debt of $ 60,000. This is to pay what our government has spent and continues to spend to insure they are reelected. My limited understanding is that this can only be paid back through business activity or spoils of war. The later is not currently palatable.
    Under the current political leadership our Gross National Product is not sufficient to sustain this in the future. I haven’t heard anything during this campaign that causes me to trust that the candidates can understand let alone solve the problems. How can we trust that the laws and regulations that they create will correct them. I want to trust! I want something better for my grandchildren and yours! We seem to be going further in the wrong direction!

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Ownership Transfer and Employee Security

employee-group-bwWhen we start planning for the sale of a company, many owners ask me about sharing information with employees. They are naturally concerned that an ownership transfer will cause their workers to seek more secure positions elsewhere.

This is true whether you anticipate an external sale to a third party, or an internal sale to employees and/or family. It usually isn’t the new owner who is feared, it’s the absence of the old. If you are the founder of your business, the problem is especially acute.

Most owners don’t harbor delusions of grandeur. They know that building a business is mostly hard work. You have to be smart, but not necessarily a genius. A reasonably intelligent person with the proper skills could likely do your job, especially if you’ve developed management talent throughout your organization.

Selling the business is also something of a self-fulfilling prophesy. If it really can’t survive without you, it isn’t saleable anyway.

Any ownership transfer takes some time. Marketing for and negotiating with a third-party buyer may encompass a year or more. Transitioning to internal buyers is usually a multi-year process. The timing of announcements to employees is driven by both external and internal considerations.

The external forces are defined as those that require cooperation from key personnel. If your managers are to be the buyers, the need is obvious. When you are selling to a third party, the cooperation of key management is usually needed to prepare listing and due diligence information.

If you are informing key personnel early in the process, it is also a good time to discuss “stay bonuses;” incentives for working through a post-closing period. We’ll discuss structuring those in another column.

In most cases, I recommend making a general announcement to employees as soon as a deal is certain. For an internal sale, that is usually when all the ownership acquisition documents are signed, even if the final transfer is several years away.

In an external sale, “certain” is a less definable concept. It is not certain when you sign a Letter of Intent (LOI). It probably isn’t certain when you sign the purchase agreement. After any necessary financing is in place, and the buyer has cleared all the contingencies to purchase, it is usually  time to make the announcement.

There are three “internal considerations” that drive the timing of a general announcement to employees.

  • Clarity: Presenting them with a fait accompli, including details regarding the new owners and timeframes, avoids unnecessary speculation about what might happen.
  • Control: As you disseminate the news to customers, vendors, bankers and other professionals, it will get out. You want the employees to hear the real story from you, not second- or third-hand.
  • Inertia: The longer the time frame between your announcement and the actual event, the more likely the employees are to settle in and take a “wait and see” attitude.

Handled correctly, an ownership transfer offers your staff more security, not less. Ask them if they thought you were immortal. Unless they are deluded, logic dictates that some arrangement was needed to keep their jobs after you moved on. As a caring owner, you’ve taken steps to secure their future.

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Generational Differences and Identity Politics

Generational differences are a hot topic for organizational behaviorists. Is this a real issue, or is it just the current management fad?

“Never in history have we seen four generations together in the workplace.” That line starts thousands of articles and hundreds of presentations. A Google search of “four generations in the workplace articles” yields almost 2 million hits.

What is so different? It isn’t like we suddenly see people entering the workplace in their twenties, or staying active into their 70s. That has always been the case. Why is it different now?

We have seminars on generational differences; how Boomers should manage Millennials, and on how Millennials should understand Boomers. There seem to be few, if any, seminars on how GenXer’s work with others.

generational-gearsPart of this “phenomenon” is the truncating of Generation X. Sociologists (I guess that’s who labels generations) have decided that GenX was  a “shorter” generation than any other. Where previous generations are consistently of 20 years duration, GenX is less. Most measure it from 1965 to 1982, although I’ve seen some that claim it only applies to people born from 1966 (lengthening the Boomers’ reign to 21 years) to 1980 (starting the Millennials a full 5 years early.)

That would leave a whole generation that was 50% the size of those coming before and after it. The “baby bust” was dramatic, but statistically it wasn’t that dramatic. Shortening the generation makes a 20% drop in birthrates look like total collapse.

It is interesting that the Boomers have had three presidents (Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama), while the “Greatest Generation” (1905-1924)  had seven, controlling the White House for 28 years, from 1961 until 1989. The “Silent Generation” (1925-1944) had none.

If either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump serves two terms, the Boomers would claim Presidential membership for 32 years. There might be another generation skipping event. That would fit with my musings about GenX as a Lost Generation back in 2012.

Does any of this matter in your business? It probably does, if only because we are so conscious of our generational identities today, and they are about to become a political football.

When I post articles about the generations, I’m taken aback by the vitriol in some comments. Nasty cracks are to be expected, but these run to a common theme. “You Boomers frittered away our birthright, spent us into bankruptcy and are leaving us (GenX and the Millennials) holding the bag.”

Wait a minute, The Boomers fueled the longest period of sustained economic growth in our history. As workers, they funded the retirement and medical care for two generations who had put little or nothing into the system. The social programs they paid for were clearly created long before 1989. Why should they take the blame for a system they didn’t create, and kept afloat for the last forty years?

Because the bill for those programs is coming due, and paying for it going to be a huge, long-term burden on our economy. Someone must be to  blame, and there is no satisfaction in hanging it on Grandma and Great-grandpa.

The youngest Boomers are turning 51 this year. We will be business owners for another fifteen to twenty years. In another three  years, roughly half of our workers will be Millennials.

The “Generational Differences” seminars that business owners need aren’t just about how to deal with employees who think differently and hold different values. We need some idea of how to deal with workers who are facing a sluggish economy and higher taxes, and who are being told that the blame rests squarely on the boss.

Do you know a business owner who would enjoy Awake at 2 o’clock? Please share!

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3 Responses to Generational Differences and Identity Politics

  1. Eugenia says:

    The boomers and the millennials should appreciate the strength, knowledge and understanding of each generation, by so doing an effective structure can emerge which could yield high valuable growth and benefits for both generation.

  2. Bradley Chilcote says:

    I believe it all comes down to empathetic listening on each generational level. This takes active listening to another level where you connect with another’s core emotional being, in addition to understanding the message. Seek first to understand and apply the platinum rule (treat others the way they want to be treated). Working with multiple generations also requires informed leadership styles: not the leadership based on the “seat of your pants”, but leadership that is adapted based on the study and application of leadership principles. Yes, different generations are products of their political, economic, and cultural environments; but this isn’t a bad thing. It has been established through many studies that the more diverse a team is, the stronger it is!

  3. Ted Leverette, The Business Buyer Advocate says:

    I’m adding my two cents to elaborate on this in your article: “The “Generational Differences” seminars that business owners need aren’t just about how to deal with employees who think differently and hold different values. We need some idea of how to deal with workers who . . . are being told that the blame rests squarely on the boss.”

    Okay, first a warning: Millennials probably should not read my comment or listen to my podcast: Some millennials are among the kinds of employees increasingly destroying small businesses. (And undermining larger employers.) Not all of them, but a certain kind. At the risk of offending some people, but with the intent of helping employers, my brief podcast may be enlightening (it’s on my website): http://partneroncall.com/kinds-of-employees-increasingly-destroying-small-businesses/

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Employee Gratitude isn’t Loyalty

Most of us have heard something like this expression of employee gratitude. “I’ve enjoyed working here. You taught me so much, and you’ve always treated me well. But the company down the road is paying a lot more for people with my skills and training. I’m sorry, but I just can’t turn down this opportunity.”

Our first reaction as an owner is usually “What? After all we’ve DONE for you?”

It can be frustrating to see your investment in an employee walk out the door. He or she knew little when they arrived, and you spent many hours and lots of dollars teaching them to be good at a job. You may have paid them more than warranted until they had enough experience to legitimately earn that salary.

It’s especially galling to lose them to a larger organization that doesn’t hire inexperienced people. Instead of investing over time, they just pay more for someone who is already at their desired skill level.

Small business is the training ground for most of the entry-level employees in the US. If a first job is in high school, or as a college student, it is probably somewhere where few skills are needed to be hired. The business teaches those skills, in return for an entry level wage.

new-job-gameboardOnce an employee has mastered the basics; showing up every day, starting on time, following instructions, they quickly move on to a “real” job. They begin seeking a career path. Most understand that the next step may take years instead of weeks or months.

They do, however, expect a next step. Mastering a position is satisfying for a short time. If that results in recognition through additional responsibility or higher production incentives; that works for a while as well, but it isn’t very long.

Why are you a business owner? At whatever point in your career you went into business for yourself, whether it was by purchasing a company or bootstrapping a bare bones startup, you were probably working for someone else at the time. Perhaps it was a bad employer, but maybe it wasn’t. You just wanted more than the job offered.

Where was your employee gratitude? If, like most of us, you went into business doing something you already knew; who taught you? Do you feel remorse for going out on your own?

Have you ever been in a company where no one has ambition? Where the employees do the same job for decades, no one advances and no one leaves? It’s awful, and I’ve yet to see such a business that could be considered a high-performing organization.

You want employees with ambition. The people who tackle a job with enthusiasm and are hungry to learn are the same ones who most want to advance. Unless you have very rapid growth, you can’t satisfy them all.

Retention strategies help. You can document a career path, demand promissory notes for training costs, or even offer equity in your company. If you are smart and lucky, you can retain the best of them for most or all of their careers.

But if you are hiring right, and teaching them well, many will move on to greener pastures. The same traits that make them good employees also make them a flight risk. Acknowledge it and counter it with tangible action, but don’t depend on employee gratitude to keep them around.

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One Response to Employee Gratitude isn’t Loyalty

  1. Mike Wright says:

    Spot On. If you want loyalty get a dog. If you want a good performing business hire people who are ambitious, responsible, hard working and learn new things fast. Have a process to get them productive as soon as possible. Then try to keep them engaged and challenged as long as you can. Keep making them as valuable to the company as possible and pay them proportionally. When they leave, you will feel the impact, but the ability to repeat these steps can be a very valuable CSF for a highly successful organization.

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