As a business owner, you know what it’s like to lie awake at 2 a.m. Maybe it has happened when you are excited and full of new ideas for your business. More often, it’s because you are worried about issues you will face the next day. Sometimes, it’s because you just woke up with the solution to a problem. I’ve experienced all those emotions about my businesses over the years. Awake at 2 o’clock? is where I share them with you, and hopefully help with answers that will let you sleep.
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Category Archives: Thoughts and Opinions
The Value of a Cleared Mind
Last weekend I missed my first weekly post in about two years. I was in Los Angeles, attending an intensive workshop for professional speakers. It was a life-resetting experience. Apologies in advance for the zillion hyperlinks, but they are all richly … Continue reading
Posted in Thoughts and Opinions, Top Blog Posts, Uncategorized
Tagged business ownership, entrepreneurship, leadership, promotion
Would You Like that With or Without Service?
In the 1980’s, when Boomers dug into their career paths and started hiring other Boomers to do things for them, the United States became a service economy. Driven by their ambition for material success, Boomers opened millions of new businesses to provide … Continue reading
A New Game Theory – Stop Playing!
I am not a Gamer, as the term is currently used. I tried my hand at Pong on my home TV, and at PacMan in the arcades, but quickly lost interest. Text based strategy software, role-play and first-person shooters never had … Continue reading
Where Will All the Small Businesses Go?
What would the small business landscape look like if over one million small businesses disappeared? Get ready, it’s about to happen. I write and speak frequently about the passing of the entrepreneurial generation. Driven by competitive pressures to succeed, the … Continue reading
You Only have Two Hands…or not.
To paraphrase an old New Yorker cartoon “I love being self employed. You can set your own hours, as long as you don’t mind working 24 each day.” Many owners find themselves “too busy” running a company to concentrate on the longer term … Continue reading